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来源:学大教育     时间:2014-11-18 16:07:17


As children approach adulthood,school education has a great effect on the development of them and how to deal with the relationship between teachers and students is quite important.

Generation gap is natural between parents and children.So ti is with teachers and students.In fact,it can be narrowed through mutual unterstanding and respect.Good teachers are regarded as the students' friends and they will deal with the students' problems fairly and equally which will deserve students'trust.Besides,students rely on teachers and they hope to yurn to teachers when meeting with difficulties,so agood teacher should have a clear idea of what the students are thinking and caring for and should communicate with them more so that there will be a harmonious atmosphere.Last but not least,students and teachers should respect each other and often think about the things on the oyher's stand so that they can seek a best way to solve the problems when there is any disagreement between them.And I think with mutual understanding and experienced guidance of the teachers,the generation gap will also promote the school education positively.


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